
Friday, April 8, 2011

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. Confucius

It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.  ~William G. McAdoo

If there is something that irritates the heck out of me is trying to convince someone that what they are doing is crazy. I don't know to this day why I am such an idiot that I really think I can save everyone from themselves or even from the obvious, but somehow I just cannot seem to keep my big mouth shut.

And the more I try to explain the obvious, the more my advice is met with a "no can do "attitude. The more arguments I have, the more he/she gets more stubborn. Why do I even do this to myself? Why can't I just give myself a slap over my mouth and stop caring for a change?

Why are people so ignorant, it's beyond my comprehension. Just because you think it will not happen to you, it doesn't mean you should not plan for it. The economy is in the gutter to say the least; jobs are more insecure as ever, how can you just go around without "planning"? Is it just me or everybody start living like gypsies "I live today, I'll see what I do about tommorrow"?
What happened to "plan for the worse and hope for the best"? What happened to common sense? "Common sense is not so common." -Voltaire (1694-1778)

Where is the self-preservation instinct at least? Right? You would least you would go in "protection mode" until you weather the storm, especially when you don't have too many things to hang on. But no. Ignorance takes over. Or stubbornness. Like when we were kids and mommy told us not to do something, but we ended up sticking our tiny fingers in the hot oven anyway, right? She loved us unconditionally, yet we did not trust her enough that the oven is not a safe place to stick our fingers until we burned them. Therefore, no trust then, no trust now.  But what happened when we burned? "told you so honey, don't cry now". Now now, why do people wait to actually burn themselves to see the truth? Why do they have to loose first so they can gain the trust?

Why we cannot just take an advice and listen to the people that actually love us unconditionally? Why we hit the ground running and just don't have any regard of our safety. Sometimes our decisions put others in danger too. Because one decision of ours have a ripple effect on so many lives around us. Even the inaction has an effect. Not doing something about something is bad enough; but doing something opposite of what you've been advised "just because", can have serious consequences. Who loses? In case you did not noticed yet: YOU LOSE! Hey, I ain't playing mind games here. I have nothing to gain, nothing to lose. But you, you my friend, you snooze you lose. And this is what your little ignorant closed mind cannot understand: I HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, YOU DO. And by trying to open your eyes I make yet, again, one more enemy.

And I am staying here rattling my own cage of anger, wondering why I insist on getting you out of your own "bliss". Why do I punish myself, I still don't know. I know I need a class on how to learn to "NOT CARE". My life would be easier.

I know nothing except the fact of my ignorance.

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