Monday, December 23, 2013

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

It's been a long time since I wrote here. Life takes over and the next thing you know you are too busy too drowned into your own miserable self. One issue has been on my mind more persistent than the rest of them of course. ANIMALS. How we treat them, how they treat us. What makes us better or worse than them. What gives us power over them? Why do we eat them? What makes it right for us to kill them? Why this world is a big killing farm machine and we think it's ok to do it? Why so much hate? We can learn so much from them if we only stop and look. They have so much to say. To tell us. To teach us to be human after all. And they do it without words. Sometimes the best things in life are wordless. So do the actions. Silent but oh so loud. Look into an animal's eyes today. If you don't feel anything your sorry ass on this earth is so fucking worthless. You should not even have the right to breathe. 'nuff said